I was walking down the street, when I heard a scream. I thought the scream came from a yellow building, so I went there. The building had six windows. I didn´t know from what window the scream came. I was thinking things like... If the scream comes from that window, the sound will go in this direction so, the scream didn´t come from that window... when I heard another scream. In that moment, I knew the scream came from the 4th window. I went up the stairs and I found the door open. I came in. I saw a woman sitting in a chair. I said:
- Who did you kill ? - She answered:
- I didn´t kill anyone. I shouted because I saw a mouse. I opened the door to let the mouse out.
Ha, ha, ha !!! You are a great detective !!! Good luck in your next case !!!!!
( This story was invented by me )
Good job Alex and very nice story.
Sometimes we end our sentences with a preposition:
* "I didn´t know from what window the scream came"-->"I didn´t know what window the scream came from"
The rest is perfect!
Every time you write better
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