Jordi Sierra i Fabra and Joan Manuel Gisbert are two of my favourite spanish authors.
Jordi Sierra i Fabra is an author that writes different things. All his books are different.If you read two of them, you will notice they are different... except two books that are very similar called "The murder of the maths teacher" and "The murder of the lenguage teacher" They are great!!
They are about three children that don´t study. His teacher give them another oportunity, but ... How?
Joan Manuel Gisbert is very imaginative. My favourite books by him are"The mystery of Tokland island" "Escenarios Fantásticos"(I don´t know how we say in English) and "The arquitect and the Arabia´s emperator"
They are really good!!!
Hey Alex!
Fantastic! Very well written post!
I also like Jordi Sierra i Fabra. I know him and I have read some of his books. Despite his taste for killing teachers :D
Let me highlight just two little things:
* "Jordi Sierra i Fabra is an author that write different" --> "Jordi Sierra i Fabra is an author that WRITES different"
* "I don´t know how do we say in English" --> "I don´t know how we say in English" (It's not a question so there's no need to use 'do')
Congratulations Alex!!
Keep writing like this
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