Hi, I´m Watson. I´m going to tell you the new case resolved by Sherlock Holmes.We should start from the very beginning.
We were having tea one evening in his house when someone knocked on the door. It was a woman dressed in black who wanted to speak with us.
Sherlock told her to sit in a brown sofa. The woman started to talk:
She told us that she wanted Sherlock to solve a case. She told us that she had gone for a walk and when she reached home she...
In that moment the woman started crying and the door opened. Another black figure entered to the room. It was a man dressed in black too with a gun in one of his hands. He told us not to move from there cause he could press and shoot the gun. but Sherlock had an idea. He was going to speak to the man and he told me to cut the rope that held the great, big lamp that was on the roof. The lamp was going to fall and capture the man with the gun. Well, I did it and the plan plan didn´t failed us. The woman could finish her story and she told us that when she reached home she found her husband dead in the carpet.
We discovered that the man in black was a man who wanted her husband money. Sherlock told me that the man wanted to steal the house, but the other man was there so he killed him.
Thats It !!!! Here is where the Sherlock´s new case finishes. I hope you liked !!!!
Watson. 16.February.2011.